Cut off the flowers before they have completely opened, and add them to salads or use them as decoration on baked goods. All varieties of chives grow flowers.

Growing from seeds involves starting seeds indoors a few months prior to planting them outdoors, and transplanting in the springtime. The seeds will grow into plants, but they cannot be harvested for 2 years. Chive plants grow in bulbs that are divided every 3-4 years, so you can plant a divided bulb from a friend or neighbor’s chive plot, that will grow into an entirely new plant. Planting seeds, bulbs, and starts outdoors is the same process. Seeds are the only growing method that take a bit extra work prior to outdoor planting.

If your garden is shaded, choose a patch that gets at least 4-6 hours of sunlight to satisfy the chives’ sun needs. Chives planted in partial sun will grow slowly, so expect smaller or less frequent harvests.

Test the pH using cabbage for an easy DIY method. You can test soil pH by using a store-bought test probe for exact measurements.

Transplant shock is a plant’s reaction to being dug up/relocated to a new environment, and is totally normal. It can cause problems if the plant is not cared for post-transplant, though. Your plant might have transplant shock if it is wilted-looking and generally sickly in appearance.

Consider replanting chive your spare chives at the base of your apple trees. The chive plants will prevent a type of disease called ‘apple scab’ from occurring on the trees. Chives are said to repel deer, so consider planting your spare divisions in an area that deer have been a problem for you. [8] X Research source