Purchase cumin seeds at most nurseries, garden supply stores, or online. You can search online to find your frost date calculator, based on your zip code.

The seeds begin germinating when wet, and this helps them sprout faster once you plant them.

Cumin can easily grow indoors, even though growing outdoors is the optimal method.

If you don’t have a garden spade, you can use a plastic cup. Loam soil is made out of sand, silt, and a small amount of clay.

This way, you can still provide adequate sunlight even though you are growing your plants indoors.

Leave the lights on for 12 hours a day.

This helps stimulate the plant, making it grow sturdy and strong.

Cumin plants like warm, dry weather. If you do not live in this climate region, grow your plants indoors

Not every store regularly carries cumin plants, so search online and call ahead before you go.

If you are growing plants indoors, you can place them next to a large rear-facing window, for example.

Average temperatures should be 60 °F (16 °C). You can also plant them in raised boxes.

Planting them close together is helpful because the plants support each other during harvest time.

Cumin plants are rather sturdy. They can adjust to a diverse range of soil types. You can purchase your soil at home supply or garden stores.

Be careful not to overwater your cumin plants.

You can spray the tips, stalks, and roots.

If you continue to water wet soil, your plants can grow mildew or start to rot.

Search online for additional natural pesticides if you need more options.

Cumin seeds often ripen unevenly, so keep a watchful eye on your plants after about 4 months of growth. Repeat this every time you see about 5-6 plants with brown pods.

You can hang the bag in your kitchen, for example.

If your seeds are not coming out of the pod, hit your full brown paper bag against a hard surface to dislodge the seeds. Then, pick through the organic matter to get your seeds.